佛得角谷学校 Board of Trustees serve on six standing committees: Finance, 执行, 治理, 教育项目 & 服务委员会, 发展委员会 and Head of School Annual Evaluation and Compensation Committee.
的 财政委员会 is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Trustees. It has the responsibility for working with the Head of School and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/ Business Management Provider to create the upcoming fiscal year budget; presenting budget recommendations to the Board; monitoring implementation of the approved budget on a regular basis and recommending proposed budget revisions; recommending to the Board appropriate policies for the management of the School’s assets. 的 finance committee shall be assisted by the Head of School and CFO/Business Management Provider.
的 执行 Committee members are limited to 总统, 副总裁(s), 董事会秘书兼财务主管. 的 执行 Committee is responsible for general oversight of the Board; offers guidance and support to the various Committees and the Head of School on an ad hoc basis.
的 治理委员会 is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Trustees to assume the primary responsibility for matters pertaining to the Board of Trustees, 取向, 培训, and evaluation in accordance with the bylaws of the school as well as established policies and practices approved by the Board of Trustees. 的 治理委员会 also vets nominees to the Board of Trustees and makes recommendations to the Board as a whole.
教育计划 & 服务委员会 is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Trustees to assume the primary responsibility for working with the Head of School to define academic excellence, ensure that all Board Members know the educational promises that were made to the 社区, understand the applicable accreditation processes, and to devise clear and consistent measures to monitor these goals.
的 发展委员会 assumes the primary responsibility for Board of Trustees recruitment and nominations, alumni relations and raising non-grant funds to support the School’s Mission. 董事会主席, 副总裁(s), 和秘书, as well as several board members of the VVSF serve on this committee. Non-Board members can serve as advisory members.
的 Head of School Annual Evaluation and Compensation Committee shall be comprised of 总统, 副总裁(s), 秘书, 财务主管 of the Board and a Board Member who is a professional educator.